Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Carb Loaded Tears

I am here to tell you it is okay to cry into your mac and cheese at Panera because the world is broken.

Today I have cried three times. I cried at 3am reading my to-do list, feeling overwhelmed by life. Those tears ended and I found myself sleeping off the worry. I cried during lunch watching this video. Normally I have my hesitations about Alexa but this video got me. I started with the title, but the tears came when she spoke about her grandmother. I still am on the fence about Alexa but my heart aches with her at the loss of a grandparent.

It is 7:43pm and I just got finished crying in Panera. I am waiting for a child I stay with to get out of cheer practice. I thought I would camp out at a table, have some tea, and eat way too many carbs while studying for finals. I found myself reading through the hashtags on twitter. I became paralyzed with sadness as I read more details about the California mass shooting today. I read more about how this was the 352nd mass shooting this year. I read as people tried to point the blame. I read as Parliament decided bombing Syria was the right choice. I read. I cried.

In my hope to escape the horrors of the world, I began reading my favorite blogs. As I made my way through Hannah’s, I realized my heart was breaking for a reason. I understood that as much as I despised the pain in my chest and the salty tears on my face, God had called me to read these words. He had asked me to show my compassion, to make my opinions, to have a say in what was happening. Our heavenly father has been breaking me down. He has been asking me to see the brokenness in the world. He is showing me my path.

This year I have learned a lot. I have learned that our world is in pain. It is shattered and it is in need of healing. Our world is in need of compassion, grace, and willingness. I have learned that I am inadequate but I am also enough. I am the person that cries obnoxiously in public spaces. I am also the person who understands my words will not change the world, but they can be a start. I am the person bold enough to say that prayer is the only solution I know for sure cannot be wrong.

So yes, tonight I made people uncomfortable with my tears as I wept into my mac and cheese, but I also hope that I can help find the light in our dark world.

Tonight I do not care who you are, what you believe in, what you know to be true, or what in this world scares you. Tonight I encourage you to find joy in our dark world, or better yet be the joy. Even if you have to shed some tears to get there, you can do it. I promise. The Lord does not call the qualified, He qualifies the called.

Always cry over carbs,

Katie Ann